This photo is called “Haunting Stormy Ohio Day.” It depicts intensely-changeable weather conditions on a back road in Vinton County, Ohio. All day long scattered rain storms would alternate with small bursts of sunshine. No Photoshop was used on this image. I know it's very dark, but I wanted to keep it as is to preserve the mood.
This photo is called “Spring Gothic.” In it, a majestic stand of trees loom in an eerie stormy light at Lake Hope State Park in Vinton County, Ohio.

This photo is called “There is Beauty in a Dogwood Bush.” When skies are grey, trees are spooky, and that roof over your head doesn’t look entirely comforting, you can still count on the dogwood bush to provide beauty. So remember, when life hands you a dogwood bush, take a picture of it. Okay, so the dogwood bush is pretty spooky too. But in a good way, I think.

To end on a small note of hopeful color, at least the “Ghostly Pink Redbud” trees were in bloom!
I enjoyed my ramble with you through SE Ohio. All the photos were so moody, so yearning for better time and definitely better weather.
Oh CD, I'm sorry that you made a trip to Southern Ohio looking for spring colors... Guess you needed to come on farther south---like TENNESSEE... We have lots of color down here now....
That being said, I love your pictures--and how you titled them... You are so creative.
Now that's a nice series of photos. They all had a lot of "mood" in them. Nice job!
Annie: Thank you. In a way I'm satisfied because these pictures do tell a story, just not the one I was particularly looking for.
Betsy from Tennessee: On the one hand, just wait till you see my next blog entry ... * friendly smile * On the other hand, you're the second person this week who's mentioned something about my visiting Tennessee, and that's after I heard "Smoky Mountain Rain" on the radio driving down to the Hocking Hills.
Montanagirl: Thanks for your kind comments. Meanwhile, I've still got images in my mind of your Greater Sage Grouse courtship display photos. Whoever said you need to publish those is right!
Your photos have mystery to me and your words seem to say what they are feeling. We have dogwood trees and red bud trees. Close to Alabama and Tennessee. I do wish I could photograph and get the same feeling as yours. But I can not. Thank you for sharing your artist eye through the camera eye.
Oh, these are great pictures! One of my very best friends lives in OH.
Spring certainly is Gothic, especially so this year across the northern tier. But Spring cannot be denied, as those dogwoods are telling you (and us through your good photo).
Great mood photos. I like the 3rd one with the old shack and the bush. I like the color in the last one.
Love the "spring gothic" and the "ghostly pink redbud". Come on over to Indiana, and I will show you some lovely weather and spring beauty :-) We keep it on our side of the state line just to frustrate those of you in Ohio and Kentucky! Having said's a bit rainy here this week.
I'm sorry you missed the sun, but you really made up for it with these marvelous photographs. I do love this kind of weather every now and then and your pictures remind me just why I love it.
Poetic Artist: Your own paintings and their accompanying descriptions of inspiration tell your own story so well. We come from different places but find so much in common to enjoy sharing.
Jane, Janie: Thanks very much for your kind compliments, friends!
EcoRover: The good thing about it is, Gothic is at least interesting ...
Mary: I've definitely noticed from your blog entries that springtime has been treating you much differently over on your side of the border, and I've enjoyed seeing how it's been progressing in Indiana. That's the wonderful thing about blogs ... you get to travel and see sights from the comfort of your own home.
NCmountainwoman: The silver lining of clouds contains rain, and I'm grateful for the moisture as well as the moodiness. Thanks for your kind comment! :-)
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