* Disclaimer: Those sons of Adam or daughters of Eve awaiting the arrival of spring will not find it here in this realm. This is a flower-free zone. Lion-free as well, for it's not March just yet, at any rate! *
Due to a recent ice storm, all the trees in Narnia remained frozen solid and encased in ice or snow for two straight days. The ice took on a pleasing appearance of glittering silvery crystal.
The sun rose as though lighting a giant ice sparkler.
Another view of that same dawn from farther back.
Feathery snow-laden branches under a noonday sky of refreshing blue.
Silver trees covered with frosts, leaves of ice, and sunny but frigid-looking sky, are breathtaking! They look like silvery white blossoms in full bloom. This is a special gift of winter.
Stunningly beautiful photographs! By the way, you are the winner of this week's giveaway: a Maya Angelou magnet. Please, email me and let me know where to send it. Blessings!
Absolutely stunning! Your photos are wonderful. I drove through a similar crystal forest on Friday (about a 20 mile stretch.) So breathtaking. I figured there would be ice on the trees at my destination so I didn't stop for a photo. When i got to to where I was going, there was no ice. You got the photos I was hoping to get!
Thank you for your concern. Safe and sound all round for my family, but I’m so sad to think about those who are suffering losses in that region. I feel powerless in front of huge energy of nature.
How sweet of you to stop by, so glad you did. We saw the same sunrise..too funny. It was a stunner..your down in Sourthern Ohio? I way up North, south of Cleveland about 12 miles. In the burbs.but oh how I long for the country .....ahhh the things dreams are made of..I love when the trees are full of snow, you captured those beautifully.
Beautiful pictures. I could tell on sight that this is your favorite season. There is something magical about the ones you shared on here. Very beautiful indeed. I could spend hours imagining what it would have been like for you as you caught this on cam. Right now, I am still shopping around for Spyderco Delicia 4 Best Prices. I am excited to go on a hunting trip with my dad one of these days. I better get ready indeed.
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The icy trees are beautiful, glowing in the sun. You caught the light just right.
Beautiful shots. Well done!
Very delicate and pretty. Love the last photograph. :)
Beautiful! But I know how bad that can be on tree limbs and power lines!
Breathtaking! The colors are gorgeous.
Silver trees covered with frosts, leaves of ice, and sunny but frigid-looking sky, are breathtaking! They look like silvery white blossoms in full bloom. This is a special gift of winter.
These are just glorious. so incredibly beautiful
Gorgeous!! It really is Narnia in your land!!
So happy to be following along...I look forward to more glimpses of your enchanting world!
Gorgeous! Ice on trees! Wonderful!
the spring emerges in these precious trees
a greeting country dreams
Stunningly beautiful photographs! By the way, you are the winner of this week's giveaway: a Maya Angelou magnet. Please, email me and let me know where to send it. Blessings!
These are beautiful Ice Trees. Hope you aren't in the Ice Queens Palace grounds;)
Gorgeous pictures!
Absolutely stunning! Your photos are wonderful. I drove through a similar crystal forest on Friday (about a 20 mile stretch.) So breathtaking. I figured there would be ice on the trees at my destination so I didn't stop for a photo. When i got to to where I was going, there was no ice. You got the photos I was hoping to get!
First when I saw the pictures, I thought-white flowers, the second glance and reading what you wrote, depived me of this nice feeling of spring:)
Although I'm glad to see the snow and ice go, these photos capture the best of the sparkling beauty!
I just found you on Michelle's blog, and I'm glad I did.
Wooooow - how beautiful - thanks for sharing!
As a Norwegian, I have no problem enjoying the season and felt just like home looking at these photos you know :-)
Thank you for your concern. Safe and sound all round for my family, but I’m so sad to think about those who are suffering losses in that region. I feel powerless in front of huge energy of nature.
Have wonderful days.
I've been thinking about you...you okay?
Though I myself have been quite inactive, I haven't seen you for a while. I hope you are fine, just busy getting things done. Take care.
Have missed you, Country Corner. I hope you are well. xoxo
Picture perfict-Dave
beautiful photos as usual...it's been awhile since you have posted...hope all is well.
Simply gorgeous!
How sweet of you to stop by, so glad you did. We saw the same sunrise..too funny. It was a stunner..your down in Sourthern Ohio? I way up North, south of Cleveland about 12 miles. In the burbs.but oh how I long for the country .....ahhh the things dreams are made of..I love when the trees are full of snow, you captured those beautifully.
Beautiful pictures. I could tell on sight that this is your favorite season. There is something magical about the ones you shared on here. Very beautiful indeed. I could spend hours imagining what it would have been like for you as you caught this on cam. Right now, I am still shopping around for Spyderco Delicia 4 Best Prices. I am excited to go on a hunting trip with my dad one of these days. I better get ready indeed.
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Awesome share
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